Guides from Adapt
Our website offers links to completely free resources to study for a diverse range of classes. Made by high school AP students, we know the struggles of finding free and reliable study material for exams. This guide will go into detail on how to navigate these resources, as well as how to study and utilize these resources effectively. Let the learning begin!
Studying Techniques
- Learn about the core principles and mechanics behind effective studying, and how to use them
- Includes Active Recall, Spaced Repetition, 80/20 rule
- Learn about notetaking effectively, and how to further use those notes to learn
- Includes Cornell Method, Mind Map, Active Recall
- Learn about the Pomodoro Technique, and why it is one of the best studying strategies to try
- Includes Pomodoro Technique
Study Planning
- Learn about managing time and differentiating focus levels during studying
- Includes Time Management, Flow State
- Learn to create a study schedule that is realistic and during your most effective hours
- Includes Time Blocks, Time Management
- Learn about the best way to tackle different subjects in the same study session
- Includes Time Blocks, Test Strategies
Using Study Materials
- Learn about the textbook, and how to absorb knowledge and information from it
- Includes Active Reading, Active Recall
- Learn about retain knowledge from online videos or tutorials
- Includes Active Listening
- Learn about flashcards, what to use them for and how to use them effectively
- Includes Active Recall, Spaced Repetition
- Learn about using practice questions and tests to replicate a real exam
- Includes Law of Specificity
Misc. Studying Tips
- Learn about how to set yourself up in a productive environment, or one that simulates a test setting
- Includes Law of Specificity, Work Environment
- Learn to manage stress and understand how your physical and mental health affects your efficiency
- Includes Health & Well-Being, Stress Management
- Learn about motivation and burnout, and how to avoid them
- Includes Burnout Management, Health & Well-Being
Test Prep & AP Exams
- Learn about the most optimal way to prepare for AP Tests, starting at the beginning of the school year
- Includes Spaced Repetition, Law of Specificity
- Learn about how to attack AP Exams from different subjects
- Includes Law of Specificity
- Learn about MCQ test-taking strategies
- Includes Process of Elimination
- Learn about test anxiety and how to minimize and deal with it
- Includes Test Simulation, Managing Stress

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